
We are giving companies a new map to travel to KlonDike and teach them the way to go.

The KlonDike symbol, product - Clone DIKE, serves as an abstract symbol, representing unique and unrepeatable happiness determined by the client personally. The way to achieve it, its demandingness, dramatic moments, challenges, coherence or struggle, all this happens the way the client’s company is.

The way to KlonDike is to leave the comfort zone. The most dangerous animal you can meet on this journey is your own ego.

Reference? Everyone sees it differently. It is easier to break the nucleus of the atom than to break the habits and old convictions.

Other stories at various times, with other variables, with other solutions and other socio-cultural contexts do not have any value for your particular story.

Your story will never be the same.

Lubos Kolouch

This interesting program offers the opportunity to look at the functioning of (not only) companies, relationships and all events with new optics. The ideas that are offered in this program will be hard to find in common training. I recommend that you undertake it if you feel that classical training is somehow "not working" - you get another point of view of how to try things differently.

Iveta Krutilkova

The School of Managerial Skills "From Prague to Klondike by the Eastern Way" introduces or extends awareness of the possibilities of management and use of resources by the Eastern way. This school helped me to perceive the world with a new sight, to understand the relationship between cause and consequence and thus to prevent negative consequences by focusing on the specific cause / relationship. I recommend passing the Management Skills School to those who want to achieve better business results while keeping a friendly team.

Petr Dedek

General Manager - Materion Czech, s.r.o.

The school of managerial skills „On Klondike by the Eastern Way“ is another Diké product which helps in an innovative and intelligent way to improve corporate culture. In the terminology of on-going Ice-hockey World Championship, after the end of the course, it’s still going to be the same team. But it will have a stronger goal-orientation, higher shooting ability and more cohesive players’ and implementation team.

Vojtech Nagy

Country Manager

In today's complicated, troubled and stressful times, there is an absolutely supreme freestyle program of managerial skills that I can recommend with a quiet conscience. Forget the old "proven" ways of managing, negotiating and behaving - learning new, cool and successful solutions - HOW and WHAT with it. Great. I wish you success as well!

Jan Lonek

"From Prague to KlonDike by the Eastern Way" is not often repeated school of managerial skills. It is a view of the world and our life with different eyes. The eyes we lost on our way from childhood to adulthood. If you are interested in who you are and what you can achieve in any area of action, the "Eastern Way" is just for you.

Tomas Suchanek

Yusen Logistics (Czech), s.r.o.

How we created a team in Krupka, for which we built a warehouse. Logistics is a discipline that delivers the customer's order in the right time, in the right place, in the right quantity, in the appropriate packaging and the right quality. The most important part of the chain are people, our employees. That's why we need the right people. We realized these conditions when we were honored by our customer request to build a new cross-dock in a remote and for our company a foreign location. The area is known for the high rate of unemployment and fluctuation, but also for the beautiful surroundings and the nearby mountains, which gave us the idea that we will definitely find the pure characters and we will build a great team, perfect warehouse and working processes. We've been thinking for a long time who will be the one to trust and will help us choose the region's most valuable thing for every business - employees. Based on our experience and cooperation, we contacted the DIKÉ agency, which had great merit in the successful start of our previous project. Diké helped us to select employees from which most became a healthy core of the company, and many executives have grown up among them. We expected that, with professional care and unconventional attitude, we will lay a solid foundation for a new team that will become a focal point for our company. Roman is the person who asks questions that you might not like. But without answering them you are not able to improve yourself. Thank you Roman for opening my eyes.

Petr Tesar

Plant & HR manager at Aperam

If you are looking for an alternative to methods of managing and using economic resources and you are tired of "mainstream", go with Roman Bašta and his company DIKE. You will surely be able to get rid of bad habits of your business and improve its efficiency.

Juraj Zeman

Děkuji Klon DIKE za skvelé školení/workshop s tajemným názvem “Ven z kruhu”, kterého se účastnila celá naše firma HT EXTRA showroom.

I když se vnímáme jako zdravá a pozitivní firma s dobře fungujícím týmem, dověděl se každý z nás něco nové a zajímavé, použitelné v práci i doma. Kdo, co a kolik, ukáže až čas.
Nicméne je skvělé potkat člověka a školitele, který učí vnímat fungování firem ve světle obecných principů fungování světa a vesmíru. Žádné západoevropské dovednosti v manažmentu, kvalitě nebo dalších oblastech. Co přesně, nelze zde popsat, ale představí Klon DIKE sám.