On KlonDike by Eastern Way
Japan is not one of the strongest investors in the Czech Republic, but has a huge inspirational potential for Czech and other western companies. And it's not about the 5S, Kaizen, TPM, Poka Yoke, etc., but about where it all came from. ZEN tradition. It is in accordance with these traditions that we build Japanese companies in the Czech Republic.
We have translated these relations into the Western language and made them accessible to the Western world from top management to talent management and line staff.
We broke the paradigm that the Western business can not be managed in the eastern way.
The West exhausted himself.
The transition to the eastern way of thinking has been the only way to survive for many western companies since 2008, when the project emerged.
We have built a bridge between East and West thinking in relation to the formation of reality, the potential
of consciousness, and the break of linear causality.
- between cause and consequence
- between source and projection
- between invisible and visible
- between Buddhism and management by objectives
You can use ZEN Project techniques for:
- starting a new project as a unified and dynamic unit
- personal stability with negligible turnover
- faster return on investment
- reducing the cost of the project and its start
- sustainability of the investment for many years
- strengthening the positive influence of the investor on the region
- brand support by unifying the form and content of corporate values
- higher profits in relation to other resource use methods